Republican Party (United States)

The Unawakened Visionary

Do you have a vision? Do you have a vision for yourself, for the world, for anything?

We are in such a great time right now, a time of change and time where the industrial complex of the world is changing. It’s also kind of scary. The very system that was built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, of factories, of “hard work” of the 9-5 might come crashing down.

Most people who work in the modern world work a minimum wage job that requires little to  no skill and is rather autonomous, lucky for them that their bosses have not replaced that job with a machine.

Time’s are changing. Although there are industrial relations laws in place, sadly if you work one of these jobs, know someone that does or has, or just read about it, these people are interchangeable. That’s the point. These jobs were created so that people can be replaced, that the skill can be replicated by someone else. Think of all the factories that have closed down and how many people were left without a job, how many families were destroyed.

Unfortunately those jobs were either now outsourced or the owner of the company had to cut his losses. He doesn’t lose, the people with those jobs did.

Society is built around this, to go to school, get a job, work hard, buy a house on credit that for some is a near impossibility to pay back (think sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US). You have been groomed to become a cog in a very well oiled machine that only profits the entrepreneurs, companies and shareholders.

This isn’t some sort of conspiracy theory or anything like that, so if you already have a negative view of the world or are easily sucked into the negative patterns of thinking then you will read this and probably think that I am an idiot. But that’s not why I’m writing this.

The fact that you are reading this, the fact that I can write this and publish this online, the fact that we now have some sort of connection is the point that I want to make. Right now we are using the internet, it is an opportunity. You have a voice now that can be heard around the world at all times of the day.

Which is why I asked you that question at the start of this post. “Do you have a vision?” Think about it right now, reach for the sky because right now, the sky is the limit. The world is changing and we are in a position that is similar to a renaissance. Where do you see yourself going, think big because you know what, if you are completely dissatisfied with where you are at right now in life then clearly you are doing something that isn’t working. Sorry to be the one to tell it to you, but if it has resonated with you then I am right.

Creativity, intelligence, entrepreneurship isn’t some mystical thing that we are born with, reserved for only a few. That is a lie. It’s what they want you to believe because without the cogs in the wheel, the industrial world of our society will collapse. You have everything within you to become whatever it is you want to become. Trust me but most importantly, trust yourself.

Think big. Dream big. What do you seek?