
Passion and Purpose







What drives you further? What makes you push harder, push longer, push until you can’t push anymore? What keeps you going?

Sorry for the hiatus I’ve had a pretty rollercoaster past few weeks emotionally, spiritually and it’s especially caused me to take a look at my self, to look inwards. After all, many great ancient texts say once we have no enemies within, we have no enemies without.

Something has definitely intensified the fire that I have in my belly, the fire that makes me a young man who is evidently chasing my goals, my desires and my dreams. What is the fire? How do you find it for yourself? What is your fire?

My fire is the never-ending pursuit of self control and self mastery and the burning desire to be my best and create something of beauty and value in the world, and ultimately help others also trying to find their own path. Passion and purpose are the two things that make this life worth living and it hurts me to see people walking through life without that spark in their eyes. Look in the mirror, do you have that spark in your eye?

Your passion and purpose is that feeling you get in your heart when you do something and it just feels right and it fits you like a glove, and when you’re doing it you truly feel alive and everything makes sense. And if you haven’t yet, go ahead go and find it!

What do you desire?

What makes you you?

What would you do if you knew the world was not judging you? (because guess what, they’re not!)

Find it, this is important because it’s your life and no one else will do it for you. Give yourself to that power and embrace it.

And don’t forget to enjoy it, enjoy it all. The ups and the downs.