
Waking up is the best part

What in your life do you appreciate? If you’re reading this now my bet is that there’s plenty in your life going right, and I bet it’s a little hard for you to see…right?

Something I learnt and read about a little while ago turned out to be a pretty powerful idea that just so happened to have a huge effect on my life. It was all to do with the power of appreciation. Basically, the idea of appreciation is on the same wavelength as our wants and our goals and it embodies really positive energy. Now if that’s a little bit too new-agey for you then I guess you can view it as being on the same level of thinking as optimism.

So why is it important to appreciate? When we take a minute to stop and breathe, and be thankful and grateful for what we have we are subconsciously telling ourselves that it’s okay, that everything will be okay. Living in today’s world we are always taught to just go go go without taking time to reflect and give ourselves a pat on the back, and give the universe a pat on the back. Saying to the universe, “hey thanks, I’m here, I’m breathing, I’m living”, things could be worse 🙂

I ask you again then, what in your life do you appreciate, or what can you appreciate? I’ll give you my list, I appreciate my good health, my family and my friends. I appreciate my beautiful girlfriend who continues to push me and challenge me. I appreciate the fact that I do what I do for a living. I appreciate that I can read and write to you.

For some of you it might be hard to sit there and force yourself to look at the “brighter side” of life, especially if for most of your life you’ve been focusing on the negatives. What better time to start right now then to change that, after all change is good right?

That powerful idea I spoke about is a little exercise that I continue to do everyday and it’s really super easy, super simple and will probably only take up two minutes of your time! In the morning when you wake up or even just anytime throughout the day when you feel angry or upset, I want you to think about what in your life you appreciate and I want you to really feel it to the point where it puts a smile on your face.

When you start the day like this you really focus on the positives and what you already have in your life and it’s a great base to start your day from. Your bathing your body in a sacred cosmic force that I can’t explain, but I can assure you that it works wonders.

It kind of tunes you in to good vibrations, so try it out start your day with a big smile!