
The Greatest Kind of Motivation.

I’m discovering that the further and further on I travel down this less beaten path, the more and more the inspiration in my own life is changing. The thing that inspires me the most to try and be a better person is not the thought of my achieving the goals that I have laid out for myself or anything productive. What inspires me the most are the people in my life that I love, that I was able to find love too, that I have people around me who want to help me along and want my help. That is an incredible feeling.

The best feeling in life is not consuming or taking, but it’s giving without the expectation of return. Consciously making that effort to give it your everything and to be vulnerable. I feel that the greatest kind of motivation to me isn’t the expectation of money, or the fruits of my success, but rather it’s that image and feeling that I get when I look into the eyes of the woman that I love and feeling that connectivity, reassurance and belief. It’s completely non-verbal.

It’s the same kind of motivation that I get when I bring a smile to my friend’s face because I’ve helped him in any way shape or form and I’ve boosted his self-esteem and I hope taken away another layer that is holding him back from seeing his own greatness. Not that we ever say how great we are to ourselves.

You know what’s better than consumption? Creation. Creating your own everything. Creation is you putting your own unique vision out there for the world, and believe me when I say that it is so unique to you, because there is absolutely no one out there like you. Oscar Wilde said be yourself, because everyone else is taken. Take the plunge and create something, anything. Whether that be a material item, song, creating a smile in someone or yourself or creating the life that you want to be living, or creating the feeling in someone that nothing in the world matters at that moment in time but them. Do it. You’ll love yourself for it.

Realise too that by creating you are putting yourself out there to be judged, you are in a sense increasing your vulnerability. Remember too though that the people who take time out of their day to criticise you are the critics in the corner whose main satisfaction in life is tearing things down, it’s an act of destruction and self entertainment and you should never let it bother you.

A vampire must suck on the blood of the living. A vampire has no reflection, because it has no self. A vampire hides from sunlight yet is awake in the darkness.

Be a shining light for others in the dark.